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When Your Files Become Sloppy It's Time To Call Aloha Copy

Using Aloha v Other Solutions

Spending Up Front can Save A Lot Over the Lifetime of Your Documents

Here we compare using Aloha's document archiving and scanning service to ‘other’ document storage or in-house operations. Document storage costs can spike off the charts over the years. With documents needing to be retained over long periods of time and with ever increasing storage costs Aloha Copy & Scanning offers you an alternative that will save you money over time.

Off-site Document Storage

Right now, even a small stack of say 50 boxes just sitting at one of the larger archival companies can cost you upwards of several $100’s per month. Add up monthly fees and charges for: monthly service, retrievals, re-filing retrievals, deliveries, return trips to pick up, faxing and coping, database access, adding new files or documents, rush charges... it can go on and on. Your annual cost can easily grow into the several thousands of dollars. Taking all that into consideration, is this how you want your mission critical business documents handled? Why wait around for your documents when they can be retrieved quickly and efficiently through one of our archival solutions and get on with business!

In-house Document Storage

Square footage prices can also be a huge cost for your organization. Keeping files in cabinets, storage rooms or even in other buildings heavily weigh down the users and managers of these ‘archived’ documents. Square footage is very valuable and can be totally wasted with rooms and corners filled with filing cabinets and boxes.

In different areas square footage can cost $1.00 - 1.50 for mixed use and $2.00 - 3.50+ for Class A space and more in many markets

A regular size file box takes up approximately 1.68 square feet

1.68 square feet multiplied by lets say $2.50 per square foot = $4.20 per month per (1) one box
$4.20 x 12 (months) = $50.40 per year, per ONE (1) box

  • 50 boxes at this rate would cost you $2,520 per year in rent
  • If those boxes contained documents that have a retention of say 7 years; then these same boxes will cost you approximately $17,640 in rent over their 7 year life span.
  • Keep in mind this does not include rental increases or time lost digging for and re-filing documents.

Aloha can convert these 50 boxes to digital pdf files for around $7,000 - 8,000 (each project varies) that is a savings of over $9,000. Also time lost for retrievals will be eliminated through our comprehensive indexing and you can implement an immediate disaster recovery plan by maintaining a copy at an off-site location or in cloud storage on line (you do not have any disaster recovery when the documents are sitting in boxes).

Using Aloha's Document Scanning you would save over $9,000, reclaim much needed office floor space, eliminate costly and inconvenient storage units and implement an immediate disaster recovery plan

Wouldn't that make the boss happy?


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We also offer a Project Payment Plan for larger projects


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An Aloha Representative may need to contact you to get more details to send a formal quote


In-House Document Scanning Price is Per Image and Ranges Between $0.05 to $0.10 Per Image based on Volume

Pricing may Include Other Charges:

  • Indexing (file renaming with first 25 files per box included)
  • Box Pick Up & Return (based on mileage and volume)
  • Method of Scanned Files Delivery (cloud or flash drive)
  • Shredding and Destruction



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