Be Prepared for Disaster!
We Are Here For You Today! Will Your Company be Here Tomorrow?
A Survey identified issues with security and compliance issues associated
with paper documents
- 55% confirmed they had no formal disaster recovery plan for information that
is paper based
- 17% were making additional paper copies and sending them off-site for storage
The same survey then posed a hypothetical disaster such as a fire and then asked
the participants what the impact would be to their organization.
- 41% indicated that the disaster would pose a moderate problem; some documents
are backed-up, but not most items, requiring some amount of time to recover
- 28% indicated a disaster would pose a minimal problem since they backed up most
documents electronically or in hard copy
- 24% said that a disaster would pose a major problem; no back-up or paper documents
exists in their organization resulting in severe impact to their operations
- 7% only seven percent said a disaster would pose a minimal problem because they
have a complete system in place to recover lost paper documents
You can never be too careful with your vital business documents, but you need
to have a plan in place so that when a disaster strikes you can quickly rebound. Companies that are not prepared
could suffer the consequences ranging from prolonged system downtime to losing competitive ground and even going
out of business. Disaster recovery plans range from the grandiose for large companies with complex IT environments
to none for most small and medium organizations, a good disaster recovery plan needs to be practical.
Identify your critical business information
Government Compliance
The Importance of Having a Business Continuity Plan
Not surprisingly, companies which have suffered from a natural disaster are most likely to have a plan (84%). However,
more than one-out-of-four (28%) still say business continuity planning is not a priority or “not important,” despite
the effects of several natural disasters in the United States in 2005, indicating companies are still taking unnecessary
risks with their financial futures. In addition, a surprisingly high percentage (22%) of companies that say they
have suffered from a disaster in the past do not consider business continuity planning to be a organizational priority,
despite the fact that an equal number (22%) of these companies which have suffered from a disaster say previous
disasters cost them $100,000 or more in revenue a day.
Suffering from a Disaster
Three-quarters (73%) of companies that suffered from a disaster say they lost money because of it, up from 65%
in 2005. Once again, most (50%) say they generally lost less than $100,000 a day (compared to 45% in 2005), and
14% added they lost $100,000 to less than $500,000 (16% in 2005). In all 5% of those who suffered from a disaster
say it cost them $1 million or more per day (up from 3% in 2005), including 3 companies who said it cost more than
$5 million per day
Data Source - The AT@T 2006 Business Continuity Study found:
Aloha Copy & Scanning specialty is records archiving. If you have paper we have proven solutions. The information
provided are some statistics to get you thinking and hopefully jump start your efforts.
Identify your critical business information and then contact us to set your plan in motion. |